Daily Hedges

Three Hundred & Seventeen. Save Community.
November 16, 2011, 10:28 pm
Filed under: life, ramble, tv | Tags: , , , , ,

So, yesterday I think it was, it was announced that Community (something I’ve mentioned here countless times) has been pulled from NBC’s mid-season schedule. Which basically means that, from January, Community won’t be airing but will be returning at a later date.

This is obviously bullshit. And when a show is pulled from the mid-season schedule, it inevitably goes the way of getting cancelled which is BIGGER bullshit. We’ll at least get the rest of the third season but a fourth is up in the air. I really hope it happens just so it can come to its natural conclusion.

I fucking hate US networks – they always fuck about with genuinely good TV shows (see: Arrested Development) and keep lowest common denominator bullshit going (see: Two and a Half Men). Morons.

I can’t even post a customary picture of Alison Brie because I’m writing this in my phone as my laptop keeps fucking crashing.

Three Hundred & Sixteen. FIFA King.
November 15, 2011, 11:34 pm
Filed under: life, ramble, technology, tv, video games | Tags: , , , , ,

I don’t really have much to post about today other than I think I’ve gone unbeaten on FIFA in my flat for about a week now (probably longer). And I’ve probably gone longer than that unbeaten against Jabo (HELLO MATE) which is funny. I think the other two are just shit because I’m not really that good. I can barely beat the computer on Professional. Or maybe I am amazing but only against human opponents?

Did I mention I bought a new TV? Because FIFA looks great on it.

Three Hundred & Eleven. My Eyes.
November 10, 2011, 11:40 pm
Filed under: life, ramble, technology, tv | Tags: , , ,

My new TV is a beautiful beast. If it were a girl, I would be making love to it right now, right into its pretty little face.


Three Hundred & Nine. New TV.

Writing this early today as I’m out tonight and won’t get time later.

So, in a relatively fast paced series of events, I have ordered myself a new 50″ 3D HDTV over the last few days.

I was asked if I wanted to sell my current TV and said I would if I could find a replacement only for at that exact moment, an advert to come onto said TV advertising a 50″ 3D HDTV for £580. So I did what anyone who is frivolous with money would do and impulse bought it after agreeing the sale of my current 32″ HDTV.

It was too good an offer to pass up as most TVs of that size are at least £200 more. Plus, our lounge is huge so the new TV will be a perfect size.

I am probably more excited than I should be. I’m such a little geeky twat at times.


Three Hundred & Eight. The OC.
November 7, 2011, 10:57 pm
Filed under: tv | Tags: , , , ,

So, it turns out taking today off work was one of the better decisions I’ve made lately. Sleeping in and catching up on TV was definitely the order of the day.

A few weeks back I started rewatching The OC from the beginning as it’s been years since I’ve done so and Lydia left the boxsets here when she moved out (I bought them for her as a present so they are now mine, gutted). I used to love this show when I was younger and hearing some of the songs on it take me back but it’s actually a pretty terrible show. It’s written really badly and is very heavy handed at dealing with quite touchy subjects – I’m hoping it improves as it goes on but it’s not a massive problem. It’s quite mindless and easy to watch before bed.

Also, Rachel Bilson is absolutely wonderful and I definitely wish she was my wife.


Ah, lovely Bilson

Two Hundred & Eighty Eight. The Walking Dead.
October 18, 2011, 9:17 pm
Filed under: tv | Tags: , ,

Not a reference to feeling like shit and running on little sleep for once.

The second season of The Walking Dead started up again in the US last night. I’ve not read the graphic novels but the first season was pretty good (apart from the last episode which was a bit gubbins) and so I’m quite looking forward to this. I’m watching it AS I TYPE. It’s been good so far and pretty tense and gory but you sort of expect that from a show about zombies I suppose.

It’s definitely needed to fill a Breaking Bad shaped hole in my weeks. Although I don’t think it will be quite as good as that show but then, nothing really is.

Two Hundred & Eighty. Breaking Bad.
October 10, 2011, 10:37 pm
Filed under: life, ramble, tv | Tags: , , , ,

I very nearly forgot to do this today, a combination of being ill, remnants of a hangover and two hours sleep have all made for a relatively shitty day.

It was saved though by some awesome news this evening and the Breaking Bad season 4 finale. I know I’ve mentioned it before but this fucking show. Only a handful of shows have made me actually shout at the screen whilst watching them but I think Breaking Bad does it the most often. I’m not going to spoil the finale for anyone that hasn’t seen it but THAT scene and the build-up to it were absolutely exceptional. Vince Gilligan is some sort of genius.

Aaron Paul deserves all the awards under the sun for his portrayal of Jesse in season 4 and I genuinely can’t wait to see how the fifth and final season pans out.

I think I might rewatch it all from the very start soon.

Two Hundred & Seventy Five. I Just Blue Myself!
October 5, 2011, 3:02 pm
Filed under: ramble, tv | Tags: , , ,

I don’t know why I didn’t post about this the other day because it’s clearly brilliant, brilliant news.

Arrested Development is coming back for another series that will lead into the film. This is excellent news not only because Arrested Development is one of the best TV shows ever and so it returning is obviously a very good thing but also because I have every faith that it will actually be just as brilliant as it was before it got cancelled. Not like other stuff that came back when it wasn’t needed. HELLO SCRUBS.

Ian did an excellent post about shows coming back (which is 100% factually correct) and much better than anything I’m ever going to write, so go read that and nod in agreement as you read it.

Two Hundred & Seventy Four. 30DTVC – Day Twenty One: Favourite Couple.
October 4, 2011, 7:28 pm
Filed under: 30 day tv challenge, tv | Tags: , , ,

30 Day TV Challenge

I’m sure pretty much every couple in TV annoy me at certain points. Ross and Rachel just felt forced and a convenient end to Friends (and I’ve already covered Friends) and Tim and Dawn from The Office seemed too obvious. I was going to pick a non romantic relationship just to mix things up a bit but then I remembered this couple and remembered how great they were…

Party Down – Henry & Casey


Party Down is about a catering company and its employees and the various different parties they cater. The company consists of mainly failed actors/writers trying to get a break and so they all hate their job (apart from one or two) and mess around trying to get through a shift. It’s brilliantly written and has some excellent (and relatable) characters.

I think the main reason I love these two together is because Party Down only ran for two seasons and so their relationship never got boring or stale or had over the top drama added to it to spice it up. Plus, you could see that these two were going to end up together from the off and their relationship is very much the heart of the show (well, to me it is). They are both smart arses and them ripping on each other (and themselves) is awesome.

Plus, y’know, LIZZY FUCKING CAPLAN (it’s from True Blood but whatever).

Two Hundred & Sixty Six. 30DTVC – Day Twenty: Favourite Kiss.
September 26, 2011, 7:13 pm
Filed under: 30 day tv challenge, tv | Tags: , , , , , ,

30 Day TV Challenge

I couldn’t really think of anything for this and this is the only one that has stuck in my head…

Chuck: Season 2 Episode 21 – Chuck Versus the Colonel

I’m not entirely sure why I like this scene so much, Bon Iver playing in the background probably helps (absolutely EXCELLENT choice of song for this moment) and I think this kiss had been building throughout the season and so it made the scene all the more better when it finally happened.

Plus, Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) is a mega babe.