Daily Hedges

Two Hundred & Eighty. Breaking Bad.
October 10, 2011, 10:37 pm
Filed under: life, ramble, tv | Tags: , , , ,

I very nearly forgot to do this today, a combination of being ill, remnants of a hangover and two hours sleep have all made for a relatively shitty day.

It was saved though by some awesome news this evening and the Breaking Bad season 4 finale. I know I’ve mentioned it before but this fucking show. Only a handful of shows have made me actually shout at the screen whilst watching them but I think Breaking Bad does it the most often. I’m not going to spoil the finale for anyone that hasn’t seen it but THAT scene and the build-up to it were absolutely exceptional. Vince Gilligan is some sort of genius.

Aaron Paul deserves all the awards under the sun for his portrayal of Jesse in season 4 and I genuinely can’t wait to see how the fifth and final season pans out.

I think I might rewatch it all from the very start soon.