Daily Hedges

Three Hundred & Nine. New TV.

Writing this early today as I’m out tonight and won’t get time later.

So, in a relatively fast paced series of events, I have ordered myself a new 50″ 3D HDTV over the last few days.

I was asked if I wanted to sell my current TV and said I would if I could find a replacement only for at that exact moment, an advert to come onto said TV advertising a 50″ 3D HDTV for £580. So I did what anyone who is frivolous with money would do and impulse bought it after agreeing the sale of my current 32″ HDTV.

It was too good an offer to pass up as most TVs of that size are at least £200 more. Plus, our lounge is huge so the new TV will be a perfect size.

I am probably more excited than I should be. I’m such a little geeky twat at times.