Daily Hedges

Two Hundred & Seventy Four. 30DTVC – Day Twenty One: Favourite Couple.
October 4, 2011, 7:28 pm
Filed under: 30 day tv challenge, tv | Tags: , , ,

30 Day TV Challenge

I’m sure pretty much every couple in TV annoy me at certain points. Ross and Rachel just felt forced and a convenient end to Friends (and I’ve already covered Friends) and Tim and Dawn from The Office seemed too obvious. I was going to pick a non romantic relationship just to mix things up a bit but then I remembered this couple and remembered how great they were…

Party Down – Henry & Casey


Party Down is about a catering company and its employees and the various different parties they cater. The company consists of mainly failed actors/writers trying to get a break and so they all hate their job (apart from one or two) and mess around trying to get through a shift. It’s brilliantly written and has some excellent (and relatable) characters.

I think the main reason I love these two together is because Party Down only ran for two seasons and so their relationship never got boring or stale or had over the top drama added to it to spice it up. Plus, you could see that these two were going to end up together from the off and their relationship is very much the heart of the show (well, to me it is). They are both smart arses and them ripping on each other (and themselves) is awesome.

Plus, y’know, LIZZY FUCKING CAPLAN (it’s from True Blood but whatever).

Two Hundred & Thirty Five. Calm Before The Storm.
August 26, 2011, 9:01 pm
Filed under: life, ramble, tv, video games | Tags: , , , ,

This is the first Friday in ages where I’m not doing anything and I’m perfectly okay with it. Today was so long and boring that I just want to veg out in front of the TV doing very little. Even more so because after tonight, everything gets hectic again.

I bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution today and got Blade Runner on Blu-ray for free which was nice. I’ve only played the first level of Deus Ex but it’s properly brilliant and looks like it has a lot of replay value, mainly because I’m shit and keep getting spotted by guards so end up in a gunfight every five minutes.

I’m rewatching Party Down at the moment and it really is great – it’s bullshit that it was cancelled. Americans are often clueless when it comes to genuinely good comedy with heart and well rounded characters.