Daily Hedges

Three Hundred & Thirty Five. Black Mirror.
December 4, 2011, 10:28 pm
Filed under: ramble, technology, tv | Tags: , , , ,

The first of Charlie Brooker’s new three part TV series aired tonight. It was called The National Anthem and was basically about how much of an influence Twitter and mob rule can have in modern life. The episode was about a member of the Royal family being kidnapped and the kidnapper demanding that for her to return, the Prime Minister would have to have sex with a pig live on national television.

It sounds pretty ridiculous written down but was actually really good and despite being a bizarre premise because it was played quite straight-laced it seemed sort of believable. There are bits I could nit-pick at but on the whole I really enjoyed it and I think it was Brooker playing devil’s advocate to some extent as he obviously doesn’t hate technology/Twitter/whatever.

I’m looking forward to the rest of the series – the next looks like some extreme X Factor show and the last one apparently is about a world where you have the Sky Plus recording ability in your head.