Daily Hedges

Three Hundred & Fifty Four. 30DTVC – Day Twenty Six: OMG WTF Season Finale.
December 23, 2011, 10:07 am
Filed under: 30 day tv challenge, tv | Tags: , , , ,

30 Day TV Challenge

This was an absolute no brainer, Flash Forward’s ending was bullshit but that’s because the whole show was fucking toilet, this one was probably the biggest letdown to the ending of anything ever.


I don’t really want to write much on this because of how infuriatingly bad it was. The whole show spent seasons and seasons building up so many mysteries and questions that you’d expect they’d answer at least a few of them but instead they give it the most contrived and limp ending ever. SPOILER ALERT: They were all dead.

What a load of cop-out bollocks.